Monday, March 9, 2015

How big data will transform healthcare

Big data has the potential to transform healthcare.
Sensors, public health records, electronic medical records, genomic data and mobile health apps offer detailed information that could lead to new insights into disease prevention and treatment.

The biggest challenge is building innovative technology solutions to pull all the data together.

Link to full article:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Social media for mHealth marketing: understanding the true costs

Social media platforms are free, but there are hidden costs involved to using them as effective mHealth marketing tools.

This interesting article goes into more detail:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

EHRs vs. traditional paper records

How do Electronic Health Records and the traditional paper versions compare?
The Institute for Health Technology Transformation has put together an interesting infographic.
Key point: EHRs could lead to significant savings over the years, reducing time spent entering data.

Please find the infographic, as well as the original article, here: